The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu has led other lawmakers on a condolence visit to the family residence of Member Representing Isuikwuato/ Umunneochi Federal Constituency, Hon Amobi Godwin Ogah who recently lost his mother Ezinne Paulina Wilson Ahamefula Ogah at his home town in Onuaku, Uturu in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State. MamaEzinne Paulina Wilson... Read More
  Responding to minimum wage impasse, Mr Osita Okechukwu appealed to Organised Labour to desist from the danger of throwing away our Baby-Democracy with Bathwater; as the indefinite strike could destablise the economy, spiral into unintended consequences and harm our fledgling democracy. Okechukwu agreed with Organised Labour that the labourer is entitled to living wage,... Read More
The Federal Government has directed outgoing Vice-Chancellors in federal universities to hand over to their deputies to serve in acting capacities as their tenures elapse.   Chris Maiyaki, the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), said, in a letter to the outgoing Vice-Chancellors, that the move was prompted by a directive from the... Read More
President Bola Tinubu, on Wednesday in Abuja, inaugurated the National Assembly Library and Resource Centre, which is named in his honour. Before the inauguration of the library, the President had briefly attended a commemorative sitting of the National Assembly, where he made extemporaneous remarks. President Tinubu, who had signed the National Anthem Bill, 2024, into... Read More
As children around the world mark this year’s Children’s Day, the National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children’s Education (NCAOOSCE) has celebrated with them on this year’s occasion. The Executive Secretary/CEO of NCAOOSCE, Dr. Muhammad Sani Idris, who noted the theme for this year’s event, “For Every Child, Every Right”, resonates deeply with its mission... Read More
  *▪️Says Abure’s tenure ended 2023 and was suspended as ordinary member, not chairman!* *▪️Calls on FCT Police to protect Edo Faithfuls in Abuja on Peaceful Mission.* _By James Ezema, May 26, 2024_ The National Transition Committee (NTC) of Labour Party, the highest public engagement body of the party headed by a former chairman of... Read More
Former military rulers, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida and Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar have commended the Registrar of the National Examinations Council (NECO) Prof. Dantani Ibrahim Wushishi, for the various reforms which he has initiated since his assumption of office. They made the commendation when Prof. Wushishi led the Management of NECO on separate courtesy visits to them... Read More
The National Commission for Almajiri and Out-of-School Children’s Education, NCAOOSCE is to collaborate with the National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies, NBAIS and the Nigeria Arabic Language Village, NALV to enrich the educational experience of Almajiri students by incorporating Arabic studies into their curriculum. The Executive Secretary of NCAOOSCE, Dr Muhammad Sani Idris made... Read More
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