Supporting and Donating to BEN Television Projects
As the media changes and with various demands for programmes, productions and online contents, welcomes your supports or donation to make some of our productions free to viewers and to facilitate the production of challenging stories especially on the coverage of COVID-19 within the communities and investigative shows on Black issues such as Black Lives Matter, challenges within the BME communities and bringing into accountability our leaders.
As part of our commitments for community developments appreciate all donations and supports.
Please donate to:
Zenith Bank
Account No. 1011423590
sort code 057080028
Ref: BENTVproject
Phone +44 208 808 88 00 for UK
Bridging the Gap – together.
Thank you for your support and contribution.
Your help to our media platform will support the delivery of the independent journalism and broadcast the world needs. Support us by making any contribution. Your donation and support allows us to be completely focus, deeply investigative and independent. It also affords us the opportunity to produce more programmes online which is a platform universally utilised.
Thank you.
Please click link to make – DONATION