Association of Patriotic National Assembly Candidates 2023(APNAC 2023) launched
An association to promote patriotism above selfish interests among National Assembly Candidates for the Nigerian 2023 elections has been launched to support the incoming President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Executive arm of government to fasttrack national development and strenghten Nigeria’s democracy.
A statement released by APNAC yesterday stated thus:
” Nigeria needs urgent intervention from both the Executive and the Legislative arms of government to solve the miraids of challenges ranging from poor economy to crises of all sorts facing the nation.
The truth is that the quality of members of the Congress, Paliarment and in the case of Nigeria, the National Assembly is key to the development of any democratic nation. This is because, the President or whoever that runs the affairs of the nation must work closely with National Assembly members to enact laws to provide the legal framework to implement projects/policies beneficial to the citizens. Once members of the National Assembly irrespective of political parties affiliations are not patriotic enough to work with the Executive led by the President, governance is slowed down and good ideas can even be frustrated to the detriment of the overall interest of citizens.”
“To this effect, the Association of Patriotic National Assembly Candidates 2023( APNAC 2023) has been launced to identify patriotic Senatorial and House of Representatives Candidates in the forthcoming 2023 general election across political parties in Nigeria, in order to support them in their elections as well as form a postive alliance to work harmoniously with the incoming President of Nigeria in 2023 when elected .
The Association will support the sponsor of urgent bills for the unity and rapid economic development of citizens as well as support executive bills beneficial to the overall development of Nigeria without recourse to selfish, corrupt, ethnic and religious sentiments.
This association will harmonize the strengths of members to support national development now, in 2023 when elected and beyond to fasttrack the development of Nigeria.
The Association will promote national unity, peace and citizens’ economic development through its activities. ”
Membership Criteria
1. Membership is voluntary.
2. A Member must be a National Assembly candidate of any registered political party in Nigeria as published by INEC for the 2023 elections.
3. Intending members must demonstrate a high sense of patriotism by promoting peace and development agendas through their campaign manifestoes.
4. A member must live above selfish, ethnic and religious sentiments as well as promote patriotic ideals that will move the country forward in the interest of all Nigerians.
Please contact Ishaku on +234 7032678213 to register and get further information on the programmes of APNAC 2023 and support for members.
Interim National Coordinator
CT. ( Citizen) ESANEROVO AGBODO is the Isoko North/Isoko South( Delta State) House of Representatives candidate of NATIONAL RESCUE MOVEMENT( NRM… ) political party for the 2023 elections in Nigeria.
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