Nigeria’s and global music iconic executive, well known to provides, produces and promotes today’s Afro International artistes, Ex Corper, Kenny Ogungbe, has completed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps programme at the age of 63 years.
Chief Kenny Ogungbe, who is famous for shaping the Nigerian music scene through their Kennis Music label with D1 in the early 2000s, posted pictures from his Passing Out Parade on Thursday.

He captioned the photos on his Instagram page, “NYSC graduation/POP today. Lagos/12C graduation day. To God be the glory.”
The one-year mandatory service for the Batch C stream was concluded on Thursday, October 12.
The NYSC scheme was created in a bid to reconstruct, reconcile and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil war. The unfortunate antecedents in our national history gave impetus to the establishment of the National Youth Service Corps by decree No.24 of 22nd May 1973 which stated that the NYSC is being established “with a view to the proper encouragement and development of common ties among the youths of Nigeria and the promotion of national unity”. As a developing country. Nigeria is further plagued by the problems attendant upon a condition of under development, namely; poverty. mass illiteracy, acute shortage of high skilled manpower (coupled with most uneven distribution of the skilled people that are available), woefully inadequate socioeconomic infrastructural facilities, housing.
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