A leading national figure in Nigeria, former Governor of Rivers State and now the country’s Minister of Transportation, Rt. Honourable Roimi Chibuike Amaechi, has replied those calling Nigeria’s breakup by telling them that the potentials in the country can be best be achieved if the country remains intact, united and ready.
The former Rivers State Governor was attending the 34th Convocation Lecture of the University of Calabar, Cross River State in the South South region of the country.
He spoke on Friday and in his speech, entitled ‘The National Question and the Challenges of Nationhood in Nigeria’, he taught and preached on equal opportunities to all Nigerians regardless of their religion, ethnicity or class, region, political affiliation or who one knows.
As a major key player in the government and stakeholder agreed that insecurity and criminality in the country is major issue that must be tackled and handled in a professional while warning against leaders especially the political elite on their actions and comments in order to avoid expanding the challenges.
“I agree with those patriotic voices who have cautioned that we need to do everything to arrest the general drift towards un-governability and state failure.
“Nigeria should not queue up behind nations that have allowed these nascent forces to threaten their very existence or overwhelm them. We should instead face up to the challenges with maximum will.”
Speaking further restructuring and regional government as called for by some regions and organisations, the minister said all arguments, views and opinions can be resolved through engagement of all stakeholders with the relevant bodies and government.
“We have begun to hear loud voices of disunity from various sections of the country.”
The minister said the calls were in response to current economic difficulties and the problem of insecurity.
“Some have insisted on restructuring the federation. Others have advocated increased regional autonomy. Some extremists are calling for secession of parts of the country from the federation.”
He added – “The concerns being raised by Nigerians about the future of our country are legitimate. They are indications of great patriotism and love.”
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