You know I love you so much and I respect your right to have a choice for how you understand to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, but I have an urgent and necessary request of you to keep me and my loved ones safe. If you plan to install the Covid-19 tracking app on your smartphone as being currently proposed, across the globe, I am respectfully requesting that you please remove all my contact details from your devices, and unfriend me from all your Facebook groups.
You must be aware that this app is more than a safety measure as outlined, it is actually part of an on-going continuous Beta Test (which has included lockdowns, business closings, and all the other things we have endured for months on end without full explanations and verifiable proof for such prohibitions) to see just how much freedom we will give up on one hand to be safe from a virus that is not actually doing what we are being told it is doing on the other hand.
The real numbers which I and many other scientists and doctors much smarter than me, have outlined over and over and once again I put the most current information below. We have actually not been given clear and verifiable details of who is dying and why, and the processes that are being taken without our full understanding or knowledge which until such is given, we must realize that the current available information that is put out does not warrant such an invasive procedural requirement as this Covid19 app.
This proposed app will be invasive and require access to all the contacts on your phone of which I am one and as such will also have access to the contacts on my phone, to people you may or may not know, and on and on. So I wanted to respectfully make it clear that you do not have my permission to share my details or other personal information including access to the contacts on my phone with any other person or organization without my express permission- which I am not giving.
As long as I have breathe in me, I will not give my freedom away so easily and without a fight, or at least more substantial and verifiable reasons for such a measure and really neither should you, but again it’s your choice, you can see clearly that I have made mine.
Imagine me, the BBC (born before Computers) queen, instead of enjoying my fun movies I have been forced to activate my nerd side of my brain and go back to school and learn about all of these various systems since the advent of this plandemic and the more I study the science, the technology, the intention.
I was shocked and horrified to learn all the invasive ways these various technologies that are being proposed and even forced upon us can and will be activated to work – mostly against us. Thus, all that I have learned shows me that I cannot support this disguised attempt by the NWO powers and their minions to create an invasive information gathering and location detection system to monitor healthy, well intentioned, lawful and law-abiding citizens on our activities or movements. I can assure you that this action is not for our safety nor our security.
I am definitely not a conspiracy theorist, but I have a brain and I can think and as the 16tth century astronomer Galileo said, to which I completely agree “I am not obliged to believe the God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect intended for us to forego their use” It is fear and panic which have caused us to forgo their use and now we accept measures that are based on what appears to be really insignificant reasons such as bloated numbers of infections based on faulty tests, imprecise numbers of death without details such as underlying or existing conditions or other causes giving the infair and unconscionable impression that normal, healthy people no matter the age are just falling down dead from Covid.
Disguised under the words “tracking and tracing” this action is not for our safety or security but actually for tracking us to do who knows what, and we must consider “the who know what reality” because the track record of these folks towards ordinary citizens is not good at all.
Our level of trust for their motives and intentions needs to be suspect given their history of aggression and horror to take what they want. from whom they want, at any cost to those they take from and all benefits to themselves. This behavior coupled with their historical statements of the need for populations control, and the realities that much real damage has been done especially of black and brown people in this regard. Moreover we cannot overlook their disingenuous ideas of fictious lack, which by the way, if there is lack, they have created it, we should be at least very, very cautious.
There is way too much verifiable information and evidence out there not to know or understand their intentions. It is amazing how the enemies of our lives actually tell us just what they are going to do and we allow it, because they know how to put us to sleep, how to mesmerize us, how to frighten us, and how to kill us – but I decree and declare that NO MORE, it’s really past wake up time.
We, who are able, after our abilities must help to free our families, our mothers and fathers, our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, our friends, ourselves from mental slavery, because no one is coming to do it, we MUST DO IT. So I hope you will activate your God given gifts of intellect, reason and sense and study, learn, and take the power of your life and that of your loved ones into your own hands. The positive future of the world depends on what we do today.
So here goes again, the current numbers of reported deaths classified as Covid related deaths stands at 957,290 worldwide from 30,739,229 reported tested cases that is approx. 3.1% and is probably much less if we would consider the many millions who may have the virus but not tested, have not gotten sick and ate not dead. Furthermore, the numbers are actually levelling off, even going down in actual numbers for as of today 20 September, the worldwide number of Currently Infected Persons is approximately 7,406,529, of those 7,345,092 or 99% have shown mild or no systems, leaving 61,437 or less than 1% in serious or critical condition and the numbers reveal that actually less than 0.0001% of those who are healthy with no pre-existing conditions will be fatal. (For your own verification, the numbers I have quoted are from the WHO as reported on the World Meter Tracker under Health and can be seen there are the WHO website)
You know me, so please believe me, I feel and pray for all of those infected and for the families that have lost loved ones as I have during this horrific time. In fact I pray about all dis-eases which I believe are preventable and speaking of such, since January 1, there have 9,354,792 deaths from what is designated as communicable disease also known as infectious or transmissible diseases which are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or other animal host which include but not limited to: Ebola, Flu, Hantavirus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, Measles, MRSA, Pertussis, Rabies, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Shigellosis, Tuberculosis, West Nile Virus and ,Zika. And even in this almost 10 million deaths of communicable diseases since January 2020 primarily from TB, Hep C, we must add the numbers that are listed separately for HIV/AIDS (1,211,397) , Flu (352,097) and Malaria (706,838) bringing the total of deaths from communicable transmissible diseases since January 1, 2020 to today that I write to 11,625,124 and counting.
With such numbers of actually communicable disease that have killed over 11 million, this year alone and which have killed around this many each year by this time of year, we must consider that we did not, nor do we have measures of social distancing, mask wearing, economy closing, alienation from our relatives especially those in nursing homes and hospitals. With this enormous number, we did not have to suffer as our loved ones died alone because we were restricted from seeing them in hospitals allowing too many to die alone from diseases unrelated to Covid, causing horrendous untold pain and suffering. There is no tracking and tracing for these contagious illnesses, there has been no shut-ins or quarantines of well people with no symptoms while we have stood next to possible infected people for years, worked with for years and otherwise engaged with people who may have Hep C or TB, the measles or the flu and be asymptomatic.
Only since the hysteria from Covid, unlike the other more dangerous contagious disease, have we not been allowed to bury our loved ones properly, have worldwide economies been decimated, family businesses shut forever, millions out of work, many more millions in danger of homelessness, hunger and death.
By now, it would seem to thinking people that this virus – man made or natural (a topic for another day) has been used to create an environment of massive fear to inspire us to give up more and more of our civil and personal liberty, freedom and even in far too many cases our lives. All for some reason, we don’t really know or understand but some of us suspect but all of us must at least consider especially in light of all the talk of implanted chips, population control, and the like.
We cannot ignore that we have lived in a time of far too many provable false flag activities in order for the so-called powers that be to move their agenda forward – whether it be conquests of countries, deposes of legitimately elected leaders, economic and financial exploitation, heinous medical experimentation, starting wars to steal resources – we have lived through them all. And WE THE PEOPLE, for the most part have been compliant and accessible to allow the many verifiable and provable nefarious schemes, tactics and strategies of the past to go unchecked and here we are once again, and this one truly seems like one of these times and we need to WAKE UP.
By God’s amazing grace, I am confident that WE THE PEOPLE, as God’s purposeful idea and creation, will OVERCOME all of these schemes and plagues – physical, biological, economic, social and political that seem designed to do more harm than good. But I believe that can only happen if we refuse to give into fear and the draconian, dystopian, Animal Farm, Hunger Games tactics that are making us frightened of ourselves, our hands, our friends, our families, our neighbours, or for that matter germs, bacteria and viruses that are actually part of keeping us in good health. NOW IS THE TIME THAT We MUST RESIST by all necessary means.
Of course, without any doubt, if one is sick they should be given the best care, but we have enough good science and smart people who have been screaming at the top of their lungs, especially during the past several months, that we cannot just only attempt to cure disease, we can actually prevent this dis-ease and most other dis-eases with improving and caring for our immune systems, providing clean drinking water, ensuring better community hygiene, growing and providing healthy, natural nutritional foods, considering and reducing the impact of various communication systems, along with peace and love – beating our weapons of war into instruments of peace and revitalization.
I have a novel idea to combat this “novel virus”, how about our governments ensure wellbeing for their citizens at the outset using all the money they have received by improving their housing, their education, their employment, their air, their water, their environments, their true safety and security.
How about the very richest among us do something novel since they pay very little if any in comparable taxes and take 25% of their wealth and build cities where they are from, eliminate refugee camps and squatter camps by building new dwellings which will provide employment to those like them, this will be an investment not charity which by the way their charity has actually been abysmal in light of the massive tax credits and other incentives they get from governments who, actually are the ones giving the largess whatever it is – this circular motion is not only ridiculous but shameful and unconscionable especially when the so called rich elites meet to discuss crime, and poverty, and homelessness and how bad the poor people are doing and oh what a shame. Really now?
These two measures alone would be the key to health and wellbeing for millions who are at the bottom of the pyramid, because it has become clear that while the virus has moved across all cultures, races, ages and genders it seems to be hitting those at the lower end of the social and economic spectrum the worst.
We can no longer ignore that greed and power are the real viruses we most need to guard against and stamp out of our hearts, our lives, our governments, our politics, our media, and we have a vaccines for these diseases – love, care, compassion, truth, honesty.
For as I consider the world today, I know that we can no longer put our heads in the sand and not consider the possibility of an agenda by a few that is not in humanity’s best long- or short-term interest and welfare.
And while the future may be a bit fuzzy and cloudy right now, I know that we can move forward if we just do the next RIGHT thing. It is my prayer that you will think beyond fear, to the next Right Thing to do, for I promise you there is FAITH and LIFE waiting, if you will take the courage that many of our ancestors displayed when they were inspired to fight for freedom, justice, equity and wellbeing for all humanity and our beloved Mother Nature. And, yes we will need courage because it is almost impossible to make any meaningful changes in any sphere of life without disrupting the status quo, but I am persuaded that NOW is the time for such audacity of hope, determination and bravery for the salvation of humanity. I believe that THE GOD is and will be with us.
I love you muchly and forever and a day and hope we will forever be connected, through love, peace and truth.
Mama T
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