Former BBC One’s The Apprentice star Samuel Brooksworth has launched a business aimed at helping youth unemployment in Ghana.
After his time on the show hosted by business tycoon Lord Sugar, Samuel went on to found the learning platform Build and Master. Build and Master helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in the UK launch their businesses and was supported by organisations including The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Lloyds Banking Group and IBM.
However, with graduate unemployment on the rise in Ghana, Samuel felt compelled to make a change. Alongside co-founder Kwame Agyei, the former Head of Finance for UK based company UNILAD; the two have launched the company Remoteli. Remoteli provides businesses with skilled and dedicated graduates who work as virtual assistants remotely from Ghana.
Whilst at Unilad, Kwame took the company from revenues of £350,000 to over £10m in three years. When ask about partnering with his fellow Ghanaian in forming the startup, Kwame explained the business is not just about ‘making money’. Though the two have seen huge successes in their careers, Kwame explained, “Remoteli isn’t just a business providing excellent service, but a business with a strong moral compass. The company’s aim is to contribute to the growth of Ghana’s GDP through employment, sponsorship and charitable donations.”
Through companies using the Remoteli service, they are advertently helping in providing scholarships for children from low-income homes and providing food banks within Ghana.
With the company having such a strong corporate social responsibility, knowledgeable and experienced founders, and an office due to open in the New Year in Ghana, this is definitely a company to watch in 2021.
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