A former National Candidate in the political path and interests, youth and entrepreneur who few months ago, received a call from the secreteriat of the African Union office in Nigeria requesting for a meeting with him. Being a front and humble person he obliged and met with the Nigerian Representative Dr. Tunji Asaolu and members of the secretariat.
Their discussions were centred on the progress of the African continent with emphasis on Nigeria especially in her 60th since independence.
After the first 15 minutes of our talks, the AU leader in Nigeria Dr. Tunji stood up in excitement and mentioned that they will discuss the meeting further with Addis Ababa (that is where the Headquarters of the African Union General Assembly is located).
A few weeks later, he was written a letter from the African Union stating the union’s findings about his contribution to youths development, leadership and the trust and belief that he will function effectively as an AU Ambassador and African Youth Envoy towards achieving its 2063 agenda targeted at peace, progress and stability of our the continent.
This was exciting news for him, his team and Nigeria especially as he have always been burning to serve the people.
Yesterday, this humble, leadership focus person was formerly inaugurated and it was awesomely celebrated by the African Union, the Nigerian Government and civil society groups in the presence of a King from his state, their own Royal Father – The Etsu Nupe. As he received his oath of office, the Etsu Nupe whispered to him; “continue doing well Ahmed, and may God protect you”.
Ambassador Buhari responded, “thank you King and may your days be long”.
“I want to thank all those that have always stood firm with me even when it looks unclear. My special thanks goes to my wife for her patience and understanding my kids for saying those nice prayers as I go out every morning to hustle, my loyal friends, brothers, sisters and to the Queen (my Mom)”.
” I promise to always serve my true conscience before anything else”.
We congratulate Ambassador Ahmed Bee Buhari
Enjoy some of the pictures from the event.
Sorry I forgot to mention. You can all start addressing me as Ambassador Ahmed Bee 😁😁😁
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